Source code for warcat.model.block

'''Content blocks and payload blocks'''
# Copyright 2013 Christopher Foo <>
# Licensed under GPLv3. See COPYING.txt for details.
from warcat import util
from warcat.model.binary import BytesSerializable, BinaryFileRef
from warcat.model.common import FIELD_DELIM_BYTES, NEWLINE_BYTES
from warcat.model.field import HTTPHeader, Fields
import logging

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ContentBlock(BytesSerializable): @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, file_obj, length, content_type): '''Load and return :class:`BinaryBlock` or :class:`BlockWithPayload`''' if content_type.startswith('application/http'): return BlockWithPayload.load(file_obj, length, field_cls=HTTPHeader) elif content_type.startswith('application/warc-fields'): return BlockWithPayload.load(file_obj, length, field_cls=Fields) else: return BinaryBlock.load(file_obj, length)
[docs]class BinaryBlock(ContentBlock, BinaryFileRef): '''A content block that is octet data'''
[docs] def iter_bytes(self): for v in self.iter_file(): yield v
[docs] def load(cls, file_obj, length): '''Return a :class:`BinaryBlock` using given file object''' binary_block = BinaryBlock() binary_block.set_file( or file_obj, offset=file_obj.tell(), length=length) + length) _logger.debug('Binary content block length=%d', binary_block.length) return binary_block
[docs]class BlockWithPayload(ContentBlock): '''A content block (fields/data) within a :class:`Record`. .. attribute:: fields :class:`Fields` .. attribute:: payload :class:`Payload` .. attribute:: binary_block If this block was loaded from a file, this attribute will be a :class:`BinaryBlock` of the original file. Otherwise, this attribute is `None`. ''' def __init__(self, fields=None, payload=None): self.fields = fields or Fields() self.payload = payload or Payload() self.binary_block = None @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, file_obj, length, field_cls): '''Return a :class:`BlockWithPayload` :param file_obj: The file object :param length: How much to read from the file :param field_cls: The class or subclass of :class:`Fields` ''' binary_block = BinaryBlock() binary_block.set_file( or file_obj, file_obj.tell(), length) try: field_length = util.find_file_pattern(file_obj, FIELD_DELIM_BYTES, limit=length, inclusive=True) except ValueError: # No payload field_length = length fields = field_cls.parse( payload_length = length - field_length payload = Payload() payload.set_file( or file_obj, offset=file_obj.tell(), length=payload_length) _logger.debug('Field length=%d', field_length) _logger.debug('Payload length=%d', payload_length) + payload_length) block = BlockWithPayload(fields, payload) block.binary_block = binary_block return block
@property def length(self): '''Return the new computed length''' return (len(bytes(self.fields)) + len(NEWLINE_BYTES) + self.payload.length)
[docs] def iter_bytes(self): for v in self.fields.iter_bytes(): yield v yield NEWLINE_BYTES for v in self.payload.iter_bytes(): yield v
[docs]class Payload(BytesSerializable, BinaryFileRef): '''Data within a content block that has fields''' def __init__(self): BinaryFileRef.__init__(self)
[docs] def iter_bytes(self): for v in self.iter_file(): yield v
__all__ = ['ContentBlock', 'BinaryBlock', 'BlockWithPayload', 'Payload']